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The i-SMR™ is a state-of-the-art 170MWe integrated pressurized water reactor
with enhanced safety, economy and flexibility compared to various SMRs around the world.
Nuclear Reactor with Fully Passive Safety System
The i-SMR™ has secured inherent safety with a simpler design than before by applying passive safety systems using natural circulation.
PCCS Test Facillty
PAFS Test Facility
Under all accident conditions including severe accidents, the reactor can be safely shut down and indefinitely maintain long-term cooling without operator action, power supply, or additional coolant supply.
Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) and Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System (PAFS) were applied to the safety system.
The heat removal (cooling) performance was validated through testing conducted at test facilities.
Containment Vessel to Facilitate Maintenance
The i-SMR™ reactor module is installed and maintained in a dry reactor builing, thus removing problems associated with systems ubmersed during long-term power plant operation.
The reactor building where the integrated reactor is located and the coolant tank for the safety system are designed to be separated.
Dry reactor building can reduce operating delays and cost by eliminating time consuming charging and draining water for maintenance.
The production cost of the containment vessel can be reduced since material corrosion will not occur due to cooling water.
It means that the stainless steel cladding of the containment vessel can be removed.
Boron-free Operation to Simplify The System and Improve O&M Performance
Boron-free operation employed in the i-SMR™ can simplify chemical volume and control systems (CVCS) and improve O&M performance.
The i-SMR™ can simplify CVCS by removing the existing boron control system, which leads to reduced system volume and components.
Boron-free operation enables prompt and safe load-following operation by controlling the reactivity without boron.
The burden on maintenance can be reduced since corrosion of the equipment by boron does not occur.
Economical Efficiency Comparable to Large-sized NPP
The i-SMR™ has high economical efficiency which is comparable to existing large-sized nuclear power plants.
Integrated reactor modules manufactured at the factory are readily assembled and installed at the construction site through land transportation such as trucks and railroads.
The construction time of i-SMR™ is 24 months, shorter than that of a conventional nuclear power plant. This is possible by applying modulization of the components/structures and innovative manufacturing technology.
Through the deployment of multiple modules and simplification of design, the unit cost for construction is less than $3,500/kWe, and the levelized cost estimate (LCOE) is estimated at $65/MWh.
Excellent Compatibility with Renewable Energy and Hybrid Systems
The load following capabilities of i-SMR™ ensures stable supply of electricity by supplementing the intermittency of renewable energy such as solar, wind, and hydropower
Power Generation
Electricity Supply
Hydrogen Utilization
District Heating
Hot Water Supply
Fresh Water Utilization
Process Heat Supply
Process Heat Supply
In addition to power generation, it can be used for multiple purposes such as district heating, desalination, and hydrogen production near the demand site.
The i-SMR™ can produce 680MWe (4 Modules) with its modular design and provide flexible power options from 170MWe (1 Module) to 1,360MWe (8 Modules).