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Innovative Design
The i-SMR™ is a state-of-the-art 170MWe integrated pressurized water reactor
with enhanced safety, economy and flexibility compared to various SMRs around the world.
Innovative Design
The i-SMR is a small modular reactor based on conventional PWR technologies, with an electrical output of 170 MWe. It features an integral design where major components are placed inside the reactor vessel, removing primary coolant piping and fundamentally eliminating the possibility of large-scale LOCAs(Loss of Coolant Accidents).
With a completely passive safety system design, the need for active power supply is eliminated, ensuring reactor safety even in the event of a station blackout.
Through modular design and installation of factory-produced modules on-site, construction time can be reduced, and up to four modules can be installed in a single reactor building, providing flexible power supply up to 640 MWe in accordance with the customer’s needs.
The i-SMR aims to achieve safety 1,000 times greater than current advanced reactors, with the probability of a major accident occurring less than once in a billion years. It is evaluated as a domestically developed unique reactor that not only generates electricity but also provides various applications and flexibility, such as process heat supply and hydrogen production, complementing renewable energy and contributing to global carbon neutrality by 2050.
Electrical power | 170 MWe (per Module) |
Total power | 680 MWe (4 Modules) |
Fuel assembly | UO2 17 x 17 |
Core damage frequency | ≦1.0e-9 / MY |
Construction cost | ≦$3,500 / kWe |
Neutron absorber | boron-free |
CEDM | In-vessel type |
Steam generator | Helical type |
Reactor coolant pump | 4 (per Module) |
Safety system | Fully passive |
DC power | Non-safety |
Design life | 80 years |
Seismic design | 0.5g |
Construction time | 24 months (Single Module) |